Ragdoll Stats
Color: The CFA accepts four colors - seal, chocolate, blue and lilac for registration - and three

Grooming: Surprisingly low-maintenance for a longhaired cat. Although the fur does not mat, experts advise brushing once or twice weekly.
Best Home: Like the name suggests, Ragdolls excel at taking it easy. Though some can be active and chatty, naptimes are sacred and taken anywhere, whether hanging off a bed or spread across the floor. Multiple Ragdolls often sleep piled on top of one another.
National Breed Club: Ragdoll Fanciers? Club International; www.rfci.org
Personality: Easygoing and loving.

Ragdoll Profile
The Ragdoll earns its name from its habit of relaxing to the point of utter limpness in one's arms. The Ragdoll's light-colored body has darker Siamese-type points on the face, legs, tail and ears. Remember, this is a strictly indoor cat; due to its extremely docile nature, it may often lack the ability to defend itself.
Article Source: http://www.catchannel.com