Cats Need To Sharpen Their Claws
Are your chairs, window screens, and rugs all turning to confetti beneath your cat's lethal claws? If so, you may be wondering how you can stop this behavior. Of course, it may be easier to stop the cat claws from destroying your home if you comprehend why cats scratch in the first place.
Before cats were domesticated, they were deadly hunters. They relied on their razor sharp claws

If you are nearly fed up with your cat's scratching, you may be planning to declaw him. However, before you have this procedure performed, you may want to try some alternatives.
One simple way to prevent cat claws from scratching your furniture is to provide them with scratching pads or posts. You can hunt for a wide variety of scratching posts, including posts that are part of an elaborate condo. However, you can also make your own simple scratching post, using a 2 foot high section of a 4x4, a 2x2 foot piece of heavy plywood, and a carpet remnant. Once you have a scratching post or pad, be sure you place it right next to his favorite piece of furniture. After he is in the habit of scratching the post, you can try moving it a bit further from the furniture, but you should do so slowly.
If having his own personal scratching post doesn't prevent your cat from ruining the furnishings, try using a pet repellent spray, such as Bitter Apple, on the furniture. (You may want to sample the spray on an obscure part of the upholstery first to be sure it doesn't discolor the fabric). If you don't want to risk spraying your furniture, try covering the fabric with aluminum foil or tape that is placed sticky side up. Your cat will not care for the feel of these materials and should readily return to his scratching post instead.
For cats that insist on scratching, declawing may be the only option. As long as your cat does not leave the house, this should be safe. However, declawing is painful and there is some hazard in the procedure, since your cat will be under anesthesia during the procedure. Some people recommend using nail caps instead, but these caps do have a penchant to fall off and will need to be replaced occasionally. The caps are applied to cat claws in a similar method to the way manicurists attach false nails. The nails are shortened and then the caps are applied with a non toxic adhesive.
By: Frankie Kangas
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