Past, present and future of Persian Bicolors
American owners always loved to bicolor, colored cats. In England, vic

Gene of white Piebald Spotting is called gene of household, it is the most common among all spontaneous mutations, and is showed in many different forms, concerning to limitation of colored pigment in definite colors. Some form of this gene appears in all varieties of domestic animals, but is absence almost in all wild animals. Under the ruthless methods of natural selection, luxurious white marks would mean death. Known exception is zebra. Her stripes serve as camouflage in habitat. Nevertheless, colorful white marks were appreciated and selected by selectionists for continuation of genus in the breeding of domestic animals.
Where did modern colors of bicolor and calico ( tortoiseshell on white) appear from? Today's Persians are, first of all, progeny of longhaired cats, imported to England and other parts of Europe during the middle - end 1800s from geographical regions countries Persia and Turkey of that time. Gene of Piebald Spotting was widespread then, but often was masked by prepotent white color, which is especially well-known in longhaired cats of Turkey.
If to pay attention in the past, we will see that all longhaired cats were prised together on the exhibitions and iffers of breeds were based more on colors, than on differs of type or the country of origin of given animals. Imagination of cats of american selectionists followed the leading at that time English exhibition rules in this attitude, so that on the earliest american exhibitions, for example, all white cats were valued at one class, and it didn't matter if their pedigree went back to Persia, Turkey or local cats from Man state (having occured in America with first sailors from Europe). This practice almost lost the type of Turkish Angoras cats, who assimilated into the big breed, which became known to us as Persian.
Unfortunately, earlier herd-books of England and America wil not allow to follow ways of development of all colors in full. At the beginning of the century bicolored Persians registered and showed and in England, and in the USA. But they were not popular, because there worked pedigree programs of breeding one colored cats (Solids) in England, and active efforts were spent to avoid white spottiness. In 1904 in one artical, devoted to the review of cat's shows in the attitude of bicolored colors, were said that ' is more better to put to sleep such many-colored indiviuals at once or to sell them as domestic nurslings than to keep them as sires, spoiling purity, value, and reputation of colors.'
By the time of devision of longhaired breeds into Persians and half longhaired cats at the begiinning of 1900s there wasn't any need in different indication of breed within the category of longhaired till the appearance of Himalayan Persins as breed in 1950s. Bicolors and Calico in British and Americn herd-books rated as non-recognized colors and had a ban for the participation in shows. CFA was the first who attributed Bicolors to recognized (accepted) for the registration. It was common practice of cat organizations in all breeds, that allowed the registration of cats, which was of pure origin, but non-recognized color.
The exact period of time, when Bicolors and Calico were difficult to show, is difficult to find out, but in 1933 Evelyn Buckworth-Herne-Soame have written in his impressions from the exhibition about Tortoiseshell on White cat: 'This is the most vivid and charming animal. It is a pity that there is no bigger number of such...' At the same year first white-black individuals, which public liked, appeared on the shows and it was accepted to bring bicolored in any other color.
However, after 1933 Bicolors and Calico were officially removed from the shows in the USA right up to 1955 when by the efforts of Dorothy Anderson Calico was approved anew in CFA. Only in 1971 other bicolored colors were accepted. Herd-books show that these colors is saved in the genotype during these 22 years of oblivion, because the gene of white spottines often masked with white.
The decade of 1980ies made a revolution in bicolored colors and in May of 1991 the article of Anthology of Persian cats was published, devoted to these colors, which embraced many features and requorememts for these variation of Persians. At the first time cats of these colors got to the catalogues of winners.
But 80ies brought not only the flash of Bicolors' popularity, but fixed extreme type, in which bicolored Presians became really amazing.
Fast increasing sccesses of bicolored cats made them popular and enough widespread. Since 1991 Bicolors and Kaliko were singled out into separate exhibition classes and divided from Solids for breeding 'within themselves'.
Leading nurseries and ancestors of Persian breeding, specialized on the colors Bicolor became 'Anz' and 'Pajean', breeded first national winners and hundreds Grand-Champions of CFA. Practically all modern lines of Persian Bicolors go back to these nurseries.
Future of Bicolors, of course, is obvolute with the secret and consists of more number of questions than of answers.
CFA holds a discussion about separation of colors Tabby with white into separate divisions for the participation in the exhibitions. Probably, orange-eyed, different-eyed and blue-eyed Vans will stand separately , if their number is enough.
Which changes can we expect in the attitude of the standard of Bicolors? Councillors of the breed Persian Bicolor and Calico of CFA voted down more than once any changes of the standard, which remained practically the same, beginning since 1988. During the 80-ies some bicolored animals with old-fashioned type or lack of white in the color gained titles of Grand-Champions, because this type was developed and fixed. Now this is sooner an exception than a rule, because increase of animals level dictates the necessity of full correspondence to the standard. Incrbicolor3.jpgease of sale of cats to the countries of European market maens the necessity to pay an attention of owners of CFA on standards of color in phelinological centers of other countries.
Comparison of Bicolors' standard CFA and other associations.
Recently in GCCF (Great Britain) an addition to Persian standard in GCCF were published ' refuse in the awarding the first place in the class of kitten and awarding the title in Open Classes ( in CFA it is equivalent to the disqualification ) to the animals, having an upper part of nasal mirror upper than lower eyelid.' There continue to storm a debates about this problem, and GCCF takes additons to the standard of Bicolors about disqualification of animals with wrong proportions in the correspondence of colors. Defect of color is considered: " Plenty of white on the body " Absence of white marks on the head " As for GCCF standard right Tortoiseshell with White (equivalent CFA calico) and bicolored colors must not have less than 1/3 and not more ? of white in the color. Face must be both colored and white, legs must be white , a little quantity of basic color is accepted. Some of quantity of white on the tail part is allowed, but white tail part in full is a defect. " Van according to GCCF standard is basically white except marks of basic color, situated on the head, ears and tail part. Ideally right colored animal must not have little spots on the body and legs except three accepted.
This standard, of course, would fined that cats, who have more than half of white, but less than required for Harlequin. In 1989 CFA decided this problem to envelope that luxurious cats in full, many of which take part in the exhibitions and reach the final today.
Standard in FIFE defines three separate color variants:
" Bicolor must have at least ? , but not more than 2/3 of basic color of hair (white flame on the face and white small strap on the back part of body are desired). " Color Harlequin requirs for at least ?, but not more than ? of basic color " Van requires for 1/6 of basic color (colors are for Tortoiseshell cats) and 5/6 of white. More precise definition of division of colors in color Van is two colored patches on the face, separated by flame, and one spot, beginning on the buttock part and enveloping all tail part. Three little colored patcheson the body and (or) on legs.
Standard CFA describes esthetis ideal without making experts become mathematicians. Judge is guided by the standard of color, whichdictates the quantity of white as privileged minimum. Contrary to the widespread wrong opinion there is no there never was percent of white in the standard of CFA. Expert by appraisal of the right of color is guided by 20 points, 10 points of which are added for colored and 10 points are for white marks. So, standard provides the operation factors of appraisal to discretion of judge, who decides himself how colors are balanced for definite type of animal.
Standard of colors of bicolor, harlequin and van practically repeats the standard of FIFE for the exception of an addition about desirability of presence of ended white ring on the neck and symmetric coloring of the face.
Peculiarities of pedigree work with color
Owner often solve the problem of perfection of type to the rejudice of the color's quality. Especially strong this problem stands for Bicolors, Harlequins and Vans. It is considered that to improve the color, it is necessary to limit the pedigree work with copulations 'within itself' (i.e. bicolors with bicolors). But in this case it has to pay an attention on the dose of gene S. So, for Bicolors with not enough developed pegenes it should choose partners - Harlequins, and for animals with single disseminations of white (what is non-accepted for Persians) the best pair will be Bicolor with big quantity of white. At that white piebaldness of Van color is slightly isolated from other particolored colors. Cats with such allocation of white spots are recommended to breed without using other white-piebald and colored variations to avoid appearance of colored spots in on-accepted places (for example, on the back).
Though, gene S is considered to be prepotent, and Bicolors - heterozygotes along it, allocation of spots and correspondence of colors is regulated not only by S allele, but groups of genes - modifiers. That's why if is intended the copulation of Bicolor cat with onecolored cat, there are more chances to recieve wittingly good correspondence of colors in kittens in that case if cat's mother or father had qualitative bicolored color. It is necessary for owners to pay attention on this by choosing of sires in the nursery.
Earlier it is considered that by many copulations of Bicolors between themselves accumulation of white color happens and color Bicolor gradually changes into Harlequin. But to the contrary of this statesment nurseries, stably breeding bicolored animals without systematically top removal Harlequins and one-colored individuals. Obviously, gene of white piebaldness is quite exposed to stabilization by planned selection.
Peculiarity of grooming
As Persians of any other color, Bicolors is neede in everyday and special exhibition grooming. Great second helping to their ration will serve sea algae and betacarotine, making the eye color brighter and color of coat contraster. However, preparing of animals, having two or three colors in the color (for calico) become difficult dy impossibility of using of colored shampoos. Also the standard of Bicolor requires for distinct differentiationof colors, which in case of necessity is acheived with the help of trimming of white hairs, situated on the colored parts. As it is impossible to use colored shampoos, medicinal shampoos, which improve the quality of hair, and balsams, containing sea algae will help. Directly on the show it is able to use special fluffing schaums and sprays, making the hair brighter.
By: Jessica Jennings
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