We are God's holder, creatures need love too! Look and you will find a pet that will love you back unconditionally.
We are God's holder, creatures need love too! Look and you will find a pet that will love you back unconditionally.
Here is the story how I adopted a pet one day when I hadn't even been looking.

The boys ran ahead to check out the creek. There is an old bridge that we across going to the main road. So, the boys wanted to see what was in the water after the rain. The boys were yelling "Come see what we found." On the edge of the creek was a plastic trash bag and it had kittens in it. There were three very small kittens full of mud, fleas and trash from the water.
We took all the kittens home, and soaked them in a warm bath, to restore warmth and life back into their lifeless limp bodies. Then we died them with a blow dyer and wrapped them in a warm towel.
Out from the dirty bath water emerged a beautiful white kitten. We were convinced the kitten was going to be just fine because it was crying its head off. In the barn, we put some warm milk in a small bottle and nursed him until he was content.
The neighbors wanted to take two of the kittens and we kept the other one. You might remember, if you have seen any of the Pink Panther Movies, Inspector Clouseau's constant companion named Cato. This name fit the kitten perfectly. He was full of life, playful and was a superb attack cat.
Taking care of God's creatures will give you more pleasure then you can ever imagine. Do you wonder how people can be so cruel to animals? Or after they are rescued, how do these animals gain the trust of people?
Author: Kimberly Russell
Article Source: www.article99.com